Ceremonies at Fire Gathering

An energy retreat or spiritual gathering is how Siam Reiki practitioners as well as Peaceful Life teachers, students and our guests would describe Fire Gathering. This is an absolutely unreligious “should-not-miss” event ever for any energy healer or anyone who seeks for balance within themselves. Fire Gathering has never been a fancy relaxing retreat in a La La Land. You will definite sweat (a lot), you may cry (a lot too) but also love, laugh and dance a lot. Aside from several training courses in alternative healing methods, ceremonies in this spiritual gathering make it a significant vibe and create a high vibrated space for any activities happen inside it and involving people.

spiritual gathering, energy retreat

Fire Gathering – Opening the Fire

As being energy workers, we deal with not only humans but also invisible beings. Though encountering Earth-bound spirits are not rare in Reiki individual treatments or House/Land energy clearing work, we only work with spirits from the High of Good, which mean those having high vibrations and having their own purposes of supporting people on Earth. They can be nature spirits, animal spirits, spirits from starnations and so on.

Whenever an energy retreat or spiritual gathering happens, it is a must to show respect to ancestor spirits of the land where the event takes place. Years ago, Teacher Steve was not well aware of that until he was strongly energetically hit and totally lost his body balance in a trip to China and only recovered after going to a local temple for showing respect. In the first Fire Gathering in Vietnam 2023, teacher Suki from Thailand was hit so bad that she could not manage to come to Vietnam. That is to say, energy of the land or the country’s protectors is far greater than any living individual.

Normally when Fire Gathering happens in Ubon Ratchathani, Thailand, in the morning of the kick-off day, we all together go to the temple of the village with incenses or tobacco to inform the village’s protective spirits what we are going to do in the next few days. That is a visit in peace and friendship to all the spirits regardless how they vibrate. Then we come back to 7 Stones and start activating the Sacred Fire. Since the Fire Activation, some rules need to be strictly followed and the Flame is guarded 24/24 in sunshines or storms within 10 days by the Fire Keepers. Same procedures apply in Vietnam.

When does the healing process start for involving people? From many years of work with these amazing spiritual gatherings, we would like to emphasize that the healing begins right when a person sets their intentions to participate in Fire Gathering regardless of their own roles.

Fire Gathering – Everyday rituals to protect the land

Activating the Fire is just a very first step. Now it comes to the responsibilities of the Fire Keepers. They need to take care of every corner of the piece of land where organizes this energy retreat by establishing energy protections and checking them every day to make sure the energy inside the land is cleansed. Anyone crosses the land border needs to be smudged by white sage. Every morning everyone comes by the Fire doing invocation to gather thousands of spirits from the High of Good and the Fire Keepers transcend all Earth-bound spirits inside the land. Additionally, with everyone staying in peace by the Fire, it strengthens the healing power of this Sacred Fire and benefits everyone there and participants in distance.

Fire Gathering – Evening Activities

Wisdom by the Fire is what we always look forward to beside training classes because everyone from any levels and background can sit around the Fire and share. Evening time is when some unexpected special experiences come whether through a Sound Journey or Akashic Discovery or Ancestor Communication and Transcending. In each country and land we all have different stories, which may lead to many surprises in the future.

Fire Gathering – Closing the Fire

In the morning of the last day, everyone again gathers by the Fire for its deactivation, sending love and thanks to all the protective spirits and releasing them to where they belong to. We laugh and dance around the Fire while all rules are removed.

Can the Flame in Fire Gathering be replaced by anything else? No. Just same as Fire is one element on Earth, like Water. It can not be replaced.

Not any Fire Gathering is the same. Not any experience in Fire Gathering is the same. This energy retreat will always amaze you and bring you a whole new world for your transformation.

More Readings:

What is a Fire Gathering?

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