An Online Pendulum Diagnosis provides you with deeper understandings to your own problems. Several quick, clear and short answers can help you track back to the root causes that block you from balances and find the solutions.
Duration: A Pendulum Diagnosis session lasts in 30 min in Zoom meeting
Pendulum is an useful tool for energy healing therapists. Many people also use pendulum for guidance for daily questions, though its precise remains unsure. The reason for that is because the pendulum is directed by invisible hands including the conscious mind of the users as well as mindful energies that might not come from the high of good, which can affect the neutrality of the pendulum.
Siam Reiki Therapists have their Reiki guides with them, who come from the high of good and are able to use the pendulum competently to communicate with their guides. A pendulum diagnosis is for healing purposes only, which means anything related to a person’s well-being physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
If there are some times when you know something within you is wrong and it blocks you from blessings in life but you could not identify what that is, when and where it comes from and how it creates congestions in you, a pendulum diagnosis is highly recommended so that later on you can work on releasing them yourself.
Who are therapists in an Online Pendulum Diagnosis Session?
Your session can be conducted by Siam Reiki Level 2 practitioner or Siam Reiki Masters (level 3). The present of Reiki guides around the therapists makes sure for the precise of answers.
How does an Online Pendulum Diagnosis session happen?
You just need to have Zoom in your phone and prepare a comfortable place where you can sit on and talk to the therapist. The therapist will communicate with you through out the session. You may wish to prepare in advance some questions or concerns. An Aura Reading session is an alternative option if you do not have any particular concern but expect an overview “healthcheck”.
An Online Pendulum Diagnosis session does not include removing congestion. If you expect a thorough healing experience, please book a Siam Reiki treatment.
More Readings:
Training Course: Pendulum Diagnosis