What are Reiki Spiritual Guides?

As Reiki is not universal life-force energy but enegy that is transfered from spirits – Spiritual Guides that come from the Highest of Good, here comes up some common questions about what those Reiki Spiritual Guides are and how they come to a competent Reiki practitioner.  

Spiritual Guides, often simply referred to as Guides, are conscious spiritual beings—beings of light, energy, or soul—that provide guidance, protection, and support to those they are connected with. Spiritual Guides communicate through subtle signs, intuitive messages, and synchronicities, leading individuals toward growth, healing, and deeper spiritual awareness.

In Siam Reiki Level 1, students are connected with their Reiki Guides through Reiki Attunements performed by a competent Siam Reiki Teacher. The teacher does not select Guides for their students. Guides choose the student – the Reiki practitioner they wish to support and remain within their auric field, assisting them throughout their spiritual journey for a lifetime.

Who Can Be Spiritual Guides?

A higher-dimensional soul—a being sent to assist you on your path.
A human ancestor—a departed human being who continues to offer wisdom, healing and protection.
An enlightened ancestor—a soul from your ancestral line who has attained wisdom and chooses to guide and support you.
Guardian Angels—beings assigned to protect and watch over us from birth until the end of this life.
Archangels—such as Archangel Michael (protector of strength) or Archangel Raphael (healer of divine energy).
Ascended Masters—souls who have lived multiple lifetimes on Earth, achieved enlightenment, and now serve humanity, such as Jesus, Buddha, or Quan Yin.
Spirit Animals—sacred animal guides that bring wisdom, protection, and empowerment.

Reiki spiritual guides

Some misperceptions about Spiritual Guides

In some Asian cultures like Vietnam or Thailand, people may believe that their deceased ancestors, family members or even national heros are their spiritual guides. As long as they are Earth-bounded spirits and still untranscended, they are in low vibration and cannot be spiritual guides. They are harmful for living humans and defined as Mindful Entities/ Dark Energies.

A competent Reiki practitioner must have Reiki Guides with them. If not, they do not study Reiki but different methods of healing.

A person who does not learn Reiki may have Spiritual Guides with them. Usually they are very talented in their own field or have strong religious beliefs.

There are no conflicts between Spiritual Guides as long as they all come from the High of Good. A person can receive Reiki attunements and since then have Reiki Guides with them together with their other Spiritual Guides from other healing methods or spiritual practices. According to Teacher Steve, after a period of time the person performs Reiki, all of their Guides will combine as a team to provide the best support to them.

Fun Facts about Reiki Spiritual Guides

Your Reiki Guides have their own purposes on Earth and they choose to be with you to provide you with guidances and supports. Depending on each level of Siam Reiki you are at (Level 1, 2 Master and Teacher), you will have increasing numbers of Reiki Guides. However Guides may not stay with you entirely. After completing their mission, some Guides will leave for new Guides to come to you. It is not rare for a Reiki student to see a Guide saying goodbye to them and move to another student while they are doing Reiki on each other.

Joining the Fire Gatherings is a undeniable way to have more Reiki Guides to come to work with you. That is the reason why usually after Fire Gathering, you will have your skills upgraded.


More readings:

Reiki Attunements in Siam Reiki

How to connect with Reiki Spiritual Guides

How does Reiki energy flow during a Reiki treatment




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