Founder of Siam Reiki – Lee Wei-De

PictureMr. Steven Burgess aka Lee Wei-De is an accomplished teacher of martial arts and Chi Gong.  At the age of 16, He was studying Kung Fu, and he became a third degree black belt of the Hwarng Do-Dim Mak style of Kung Fu.  Hwarng Do translated, means ‘the path of the flowering man’​; Dim Mak, translated, means ‘nerve touch or touch of death.’  A warrior’s path is a life long path of balancing the healer and the warrior archetypal energies.  Steve respect and appreciation for the martial arts taught by Jok Sang martial arts in Australia lead him to study the healing arts in the Jok Sang teachings of Chi Gong, Massage, Osteopathic Manipulations, Acupressure, Bowen Therapy, Moxibustion, Herbs, Energy Transfer methods, Auric and Psychic Colours, Focus, Meditation, Morals, Pranic Healing, Spirit and Soul.

The name, Brahmajarn Lee Wei-De, was given to him by a Taoist master during studies of the martial and healing arts; the name translates respectfully as follows, Brahm – Spiritual, Ajarn – Teacher, Wei – Greater, and De – Moral, Spiritual Teacher of Greater Moral.  Mr. Lee Wei-De integrates and combines therapeutic approaches to create healing sessions that are specifically tailored to address the needs of individuals in their healing sessions.

A Reiki Master Teacher certified in Australia, founder of Siam Reiki, and member of the World Reiki Confederation, Steve has trained over two hundred student in Siam Reiki, to level three (Master), attuned by the traditional “Usui Shiki Ryoho” Reiki and delivering the personal energy development methods included into Siam Reiki to competently classified as Professional Therapists.  Currently, twenty-nine of his students are qualified Reiki teachers.


In the year, 2010, the Board of Directors of Siam Traditional Doctors Association proudly elected, Mr. Lee Wei-De (Steven Burgess) to be president of Siam Traditional Doctors Association, STDA.  The STDA Board is composed of traditional Thai herbal doctors and its members.     Mr. Lee Wei-De has been living and traveling a path of traditional studying and experiential learning that started in his teenage years and continues today.  He dedicates his free time into research and being a mentor to other teachers.  Mr. Lee Wei-De has developed training programs for teachers, and he has developed course curriculums for various institutions. ​

He is a member of the Seven Generations World Wisdom Council that was assembled during the Wisdom Gathering of 2012 Holland.  The World Wisdom Council is composed of Wisdom Keepers and Elders who assist and facilitate ceremonies and traditional teachings at World Wisdom Gatherings around the world.  The aim and aspiration of having World Wisdom Gatherings around the world, is to create, develop, and or expand understanding of the common grounds and interests of our world’s community for the good of all beings, and to support all life, for at least seven generations to come.  Thank you, for being.

founder of Siam Reiki

Interview With Founder Of Siam Reiki – Lee Wei-Dei 2004

Frequently Asked Questions to the Founder of Siam Reiki™

R(Reporter): Steve, why did you decide to trademark Siam Reiki?

S(Master Steve): I discovered, after traveling and meeting many Reiki students from around the world, that there was a variety of differences in training methods and perceptions on what Reiki (energy healing art) is and how it is practiced. These differences were solidified after talking with students about their training methods in Reiki, how many treatments they had completed for each level and how many attunements they had received themselves.  It soon became apparent to me that Reiki teachers around the world were teaching various concepts.  One example of this would be certain meditation techniques that were depleting the Reiki therapist’s energy.

I felt standards needed to be created to avoid these discrepancies in where Reiki energy is being drawn from and how treatments are ultimately affecting the therapist and their clients.  After my own experiences with learning Reiki and having it develop me as a person, healer, and eventually an international teacher I realized something was quite amiss in the qualifications that are now endorsed in countries like Australia, America and England.  Trade marking Siam Reiki was a way for me to personally make sure that the integrity of my teachings of this healing form could be carried on and shared.  I believe that as Reiki grows as a healing art form it needs standards, and that becoming a well trained Reiki Master takes time, practice, and the proper attunements.  This insures quality and consistency with Reiki treatment outcomes, thus gaining international recognition for the healing that is occurring with a wide range of medical illnesses.

Considering my teachings, I insist that my students practice and have time between each level to further develop as a therapist.  I can tell when they haven’t been practicing by the flow of energy going through them.  I can also see blockages that my students are holding that slows their development and makes them unable to advance to the next level of Reiki at that given time.

R: How long have you been a Reiki Master and why have you chosen Bangkok, Thailand as the place for your treatments and trainings?

S: I have been a Reiki Master teacher since 2003. Thailand has always been in the forefront of the spa, wellness and spiritual tourism sector. Over the past decade Thailand has not only been synonymous with beautiful beaches, delicious healthy cuisine and the practice of Theravada Buddhism, but also as a place for people to relax, unwind, get well and get in touch with their spiritual self. I have established my main centre here in Bangkok, and we have a fully qualified branch on the Island of Koh Chang which is a few hours’ drive south of Bangkok on the Eastern seaboard of the Gulf of Thailand.

R: What other benefits are there to your being based in Bangkok, Thailand?

S: Thailand has always been home to a vast Herbal Medicine and Traditional Indigenous Remedy culture. Thais have always relied on traditional methods for healing in massage, hot herb compress, and herbal medicines are a large part of that.

As President of the Siam Traditional Doctors Association I am currently working on a project in Ubon Ratchathani, that when completed, will be an international institute for the study of traditional medicine, and there will also be a Natural Healing Hospital where people will be able to come for 24 hour traditional care, with home stay facility for the visitors. Included within the grounds of the centre will be an organic herb farm and processing facility to not only insure the high quality of the herbs, but to also allow us to make them available to others.

R: Let’s talk about Reiki for a moment – you are a Reiki Master and a Reiki channel. What exactly does that mean?

S: Well, it really requires deep understanding and experience with the science of energy and how energy is related to our bodies.

A Reiki therapist has healing energy around them. When the therapist is doing a treatment the energy flows through the therapist’s body, in through the Aura and Major Chakras, and the energy comes out of the therapist’s hands, or Minor Chakras, and into the client’s body. This energy is what facilitates the treatment – and the outcomes are quite amazing.

Being a therapist the training consists of understanding the different energy bodies of our clients, such as the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. What makes Reiki different to other energy healing arts is how energy is drawn into the therapist’s body. Other methods require meditation practices, and then the therapist becomes depleted of energy, this is not the case with Reiki.

R: How exactly does Reiki help people get over their ailments and diseases?

S: OK.I will bring some facts into the picture here. Russians have used bio-reasoning equipment for the last 40 years, initially to monitor the health of their astronauts. In the USA (Rife) equipment has been developed that works on frequencies for healing. Every part of the body – organs, cells, etc. – can be measured by frequency. The 3DMRA in Taiwan, Rife in the USA, and other bio-reasoning programs are now being recognized by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration).

When performing a Reiki treatment, energy goes through the therapist’s body to change the polarity of congested molecules and, where necessary, remove the negative Ions from the physical body – this also cleans the energy around the body (Elixir) or Aura, Etheric Aura and Major chakras. With scientific equipment, the outcome of treatments can be verified. In simple terms, Reiki energy balances the Chakras and the client’s body detoxifies.

Energy sciences are found in many cultures – the foundations of Chinese medicine, Acupuncture, Chi Gong, and also Ayurvedic healing from India which dates back even further.

R: Does western medicine have any value as far as you are concerned?

S: Everybody has choice in life; I only supply a service like others in the medical industry. Conventional medicine certainly has its place. Where do you go if your arm has been ripped off? You will not come to me. Although Reiki will help quicken the healing process when the arm is put back on, that type of injury requires surgery and western medicine.

I believe in what has been established by WHO (World Health Organization) and in most countries – Complimentary Alternative Medicine is beneficial. My view is to get the greatest benefit for my clients – that is what I am looking for. Everything has its place. We have to establish what caused a problem. If the cause of a problem is identified, healing is very quick.

R: What evidence is there to prove that Reiki works?

S: When I was in Taiwan I was introduced to a director of a hospital dedicated to the use of natural healing on patients with stage 3 or 4 cancer. I suggested incorporating Reiki treatments into their program, and I was introduced to a professor at the Taiwan Community Development Association. I was asked to do a presentation on Reiki while the 3DMRA equipment was presented to doctors. The 3DMRA showed clearly Reiki treatments are powerful and detoxify the body to equivalent extents as acupuncture, and sometimes even greater extents. This evidence has been documented and is now undeniable. The 3DMRA is now being used in five hospitals and diagnoses illnesses up to 2-3 months before blood tests or X-rays are able to.

R: Alternative medicine, energy healing – in the past they have often been marginalized. And as you have said, you are now working with doctors and professors who are more in tune with western medical approaches. Why have these areas suddenly become more mainstream, do you think?

S: I feel there is certainly a world trend and statistics show that 80% of people are inclined to seek Complementary Alternative Medicine (CAM) treatments rather than conventional medicine. I feel many people are becoming aware of the side effects of the chemicals used in modern medicines. Australia is taking the approach that people working in the CAM industry are likely to identify illnesses and therapists likely to make health reports and recommendations to their clients. More people’s lives may be saved as illnesses are found earlier in their development. Therapists are to be given training meeting national qualification standards set by the government. There are 45 to 50 insurance companies that allow members to go to spas for treatments and claim it on their health insurance. As more research is being completed, we are becoming aware many CAM methods work more quickly on some serious illnesses than conventional medicine or treatments.

R: You are also starting a Reiki Research Center and attempting to set up clinical trials. Why choose Thailand for this? Surely, it must be easier in the west?

S: The Reiki Research Association was submitted a year ago and the registered certificate will be completed soon. I am lucky to have some good support from like minded people, some being doctors. The objective is to scientifically prove the outcomes of Reiki treatments. The research protocols will be to western standards such as CBC, and Viral Overload tests will be taken as part of the clinical observations – though not limited to only this. Bio-reasoning and the 3DMRA are planned to be implemented to monitor changes before blood tests.

In the west pharmaceutical companies get funding through governments and they have their patents on production lines. With alternative treatments and medicine, the funding is limited. The pharmaceutical companies want to own the rights – big business in a big industry. When the registration is completed we will be looking for financial support and assistance to run clinical trials starting with HIV; there’s a planned 3-month “live in” program on a mountain planned. What we are planning would be very difficult to do in another country. Interestingly associations and doctors in other countries are very interested in what we are trying to establish. I feel the results will help all health practitioners, from doctors to therapists. We will though need donations – some of the outgoings to run a 30 people live in program for 3 months will be close to one million baht.

R: So you have your individual treatments, and your training, and your resort work and the Reiki Research Centre – what’s the big picture here? Where do you want all this to be in, say, 5 years?

S: Well, I am only here for one life and the best I feel I can do is establish a school where people can come and learn competent healing practices through training that meets Australian educational standards. I want to share my experience in Reiki with others, so others may grow. I want to develop a Spa concept for students wanting to do the same in their own countries. And I want to do research to prove what I and so many others are doing around the world with Reiki is genuinely beneficial, and I want to share the outcomes and information with the rest of the world.

PictureMr. Lee Wei-De (Steve) – 2004

Master Steve And High Standards Of Therapy

Master Steve – Creator of high standards in professional Reiki therapy

Steve (Lee Wei-de) is the founder of Siam Reiki and pursuer of the mission as a Peace Keeper for the world.

He has been offering training programs in Reiki treatment from basic to advanced levels, as well as courses on personal growth and development to help people become self-aware, self-healing and able to help families and communities.

Steve has cooperated with Traditional Medicine Association in Thailand to tailor treatment programs that are integrated with conventional therapy. opening a therapy centre in Thailand with many supporting tools and elements such as nutrition, indigenous herbs, qigong, Thai therapeutic massage, 3DMRA energy meter, Reiki, … and has assisted in many cases of intractable diseases, cancer and other serious diseases.

A world-class expert, with keen intuition and psychic healing abilities, Steve has travelled to therapy from Asia, Europe, the U.S., and Middle Eastern countries. At the same time, he is also recognized as a psychic and an alchemist.

With his keen ability to convey rustic, easy-to-understand information and his more than 20 years of experience working with other outstanding experts and lecturers in Australia, Thailand, Malaysia, China, and Taiwan, Steve has developed a force of Reiki practitioners and teachers that lead the way compared to other Reiki Masters.

Before Reiki, Steve was a Kung Fu teacher, teaching subjects such as qigong, acupressure, bone alignment, hot and cold compresses, and massage therapy. There are more than 200 students in the Kung Fu department. At the same time, Steve is a master and currently teaches spiritual and energy sciences such as: Reiki courses (levels); Developing Psychic Abilities (DPA), Crystal Healing, Radiant Pendulum, Psychometric Measurement (related to attitudes, beliefs) and transcendent entities, …

Steve’s knowledge spans many areas As a Reiki Therapist, he has worked with more than 9,000 clients, trained thousands of high-quality Reiki Trainers and created thousands of Reiki Therapists. He set very high standards for Reiki and created a completely different level of professional therapy.

Students rated Steve as a smart, easy-to-understand, strong, ethical, and natural teacher. Steve’s unconditional love is evident during therapy and even after therapy.

Steve has a special love for Vietnam, complementary therapies, and Vietnamese herbal medicines. He has come to Vietnam for training and therapy many times and is always expected by those who understand Reiki.

You’ll be lucky to learn from Steve!